06 Aug 2013

I use Jekyll and GitHub Pages to create this blog.

I was really inspired by an episode of The Web Ahead to build a static site for my blog rather than going with something like Tumblr or Wordpress. Development Seed built some great websites (see the shownotes from The Web Ahead for a subset of them) with Jekyll and created many tools to aid the workflow.

One of those tools they built was, “Prose provides a beatifully simple content authoring environment for CMS-free websites.” By providing Prose access to your GitHub repos you can you Prose to create and edit posts in a browser anywhere. Prose handles the commits with GitHub.

Here is what this post looks like within Prose:

Screenshot using

Later this fall I am going to be rebuilding a website for a small startup. The site will consist of marketing pages and a blog. Jekyll will be able to handle both and will enable others to create and manage the site.

Thanks to Development Seed for creating a great tool!