Nice overview of git: branching, checkouts and merges
git clone source [local_folder_name]
- This seems useful if you don’t like the name of the source project- Pick a ruby project to look through on a regular basis
- The
fixed #1
syntax for the commit message to close issues was cool- Pull request process
- Clone repo
- Create branch with new feature
- Push branch with new feature back to Github
- Create pull request
Google Chrome Developer Tools: 12 Tricks to Develop Quicker
copy ( __ )
will be really nice so I don’t have to select output, Cmd+Cinspect ( __ )
does the same thing but within the DOM explorer$0
is the shortcut to the selected element in the DOM explorerconsole.log( __ )
will take the print the output to the console during JS execution- Search for other .vimrc files on Github
- switch to next file in buffer:ls
- list files currently in buffer^
- Go to the first character on the lineP
- paste before cursor:vs pathname
- open two files vertically:split filename
- open two files horizontally^W
- switch between the two files:tabe filename
- open file in a new tabgt
- go to next tab:reg
- view current recorded macros:colo
- set vim themes